Sunday, April 10, 2011

la sirena y el corazón

Did you ever play that Mexican vocabulary game, Lotería when you were a kid? 
I did. And, while it helped me recognize a drunk passed out in an alley or a river boat when I saw one, I still don't know my Spanish like I should. 
There's still time... 

What I love the most about that game is the art on the cards, it reminds me of the classic, iconic Mexico I remember from my childhood.
La Sirena, a birthday gift for the man who can't help but be called to the ocean.
El Corazón, paper, ink, vellum. The first piece of art I ever exhibited and sold.


  1. I did not play this game. I played Mille Bournes. It was a car racing card game. I love these two pieces. Are you going to make every one. Oh, I think you should.

  2. actually this is miriam not kris he is signed into your blog on this computer. that is kinda cool! but this is miriam and the kris above this post is me too. i love you. bye!

  3. that would be sick if I did them all. I would make an entire wall of Lotería paper cuts and play the actual game with friends. although, with the Spanish curve over here, I might lose.
