Monday, September 12, 2011

out and about

Hello friends, I'm happy to show off some of my recent work making an appearance in a couple of print and web outlets.

On the web, photos of Ultimate Frisbee in Wisconsin and Ultramarathon runner Jeff Browning (whom you may remember from an earlier post) grace the screens of Patagonia's Team/ Event Sales pages.

Photo left to right: Stephanie Helguera, Heather Klausner, Stephanie Helguera

In print, the brand new Patagonia Team Sales catalog used an Ultimate Frisbee shot for their double truck front page, which outlines the company's mission statement and an intro to field shorts. Below, my day job makes an appearance in a popular gossip magazine, resulting in more gossip.. but mostly about how fabulous this new bra is, created by Fashion Forms®

Photo left to right: Amy Kumler, Stephanie Helguera

Full page ad for Fashion Forms® in Us Weekly, Sept 12, 2011 issue